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Delivery Information
Delivery quantities
Depending on the nature and application of the product, pack quantities are generally:-
Liquids: 500ml, 750ml, 1litre, 5litre, 4 x 5litre, 25litre, 205litre, 1000litre
Solids: Generally 20kg or 25kg
Delivery methods & cost
Our fleet of delivery vehicles operates daily Monday to Friday.
Weekend deliveries can be accommodated at additional cost.
In some instances goods are delivered by external contractors. Only external contractors with a proven record of performance are included on our approved contractors list.
All prices quoted are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
Delivery cost is based on consignment weight (kg), pack size and shipping address. We aim to deliver to you at the most economical cost (please note that this may result in some orders being split into more than one delivery).
Please ensure that we are notified of any specific delivery restrictions e.g. date, day, time, poor access etc.